20220123_Announcements Slides

"God is Spirit."
- John 4:24

God is Spirit. This means that God is not his creation. He is not made up of the physical stuff that constitutes the universe he made. He is neither the sun, moon nor stars; nor is he an animal, bird or fish. He is not made up of parts. This is also why in the conversation recorded in the Gospel of John, chapter four, he explains to the Woman of Samaria, that worship is not limited to one particular place but can and does take place anywhere. All the human language in the Bible that is used to describe God is simply metaphorical. God is not an "it", but a "he." He is not limited by space or time, but is equally present everywhere all the time. He is not abstract matter but is in himself self-conscious with a rational will of his own.

So what does this mean for your life today? The fact that God is Spirit means he cannot and should not be depicted by images whatsoever (this why he condemned the use of idols). It also means that you can worship him wherever you are - in your home, car, or at your job. It also means that your faith is in One who is not confined or limited by the world he has made and so you don't have to worry about his plans or purposes being frustrated by changes in this world. It means that you can pray to him because he hears you even now as One whose will is to listen to those who pray through his Son, the only mediator between he and humanity: Jesus Christ. It also means you can have a relationship with the God who is personal, with whom you can grow closer and closer for all eternity.

For Jesus,
Pastor Mark

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